Superfoods are born in organic backyard vegie gardens
Herb garden superfoods
Some of the many foods, herbs and spices that have “Superfoods” status are because of their high ORAC rating, which is due to the excellent health giving properties they possess. There are so many options when it comes to fueling our bodies with foods so nutritious, that they deserve to be labelled “Superfoods”.
- Green and Black teas
- Black Pepper
- Cayenne Pepper
- Tomato
- Avocadoes
- Garlic
- Onions
- Olives
- Olive oil
- Potatoes
- Sweet potatoes
- Eggplant
- Kiwifruit
- Celery
- Soybeans.
- Lentils
- Garbanzo beans (chick Peas)
- Miso.
- Tempeh
- Tofu
- Fresh herbs
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet has free access to the sum of all human knowledge.”
Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia.
In any exam, test, uni degree or publication, research is paramount. So too, it is essential to ensure the content and story put forward by budding authors be authentic and authenticated.
On reaching this stage of writing The “Healthier Tips” Antioxidant website, about the benefits of liver cleansing lemon water, antioxidants and superfoods and searching for suitable explanations of Superfoods, we happened upon this explanation in the next paragraph from the ever reliable Wikipedia.
Rather than utilise the content and retype our own interpretation, we assessed these few paragraphs from Wiki, as saying it all.
All acknowledgements to authors and research material sources for the coming book, can be found in chapter 20 of the finished novel; due out late 2018!! A polite plug for Wikileaks is warranted, as for all those out there using the Wiki site, like we are for research purposes; please keep in mind Wiki are a non profit Organisation and rely solely on Donations from the general Public to survive.
Next time you access www. for some free info, please take the time to read their donations policy and perhaps help with a $5 to $10-00 donation. We know it will be greatly appreciated.
“The Macmillan dictionary defines it as a food that is considered to be beneficial to your health and that may even help some medical conditions. Cancer Research UK say that “the term ‘superfood’ is really just a marketing tool, with little scientific basis to it,” while another source defines superfood as “a non-medical term; popularized in the media to refer to foods that can have health promoting properties. Properties such as, reducing ones risk of disease or improving any aspect of physical or emotional health. So called superfoods may have an unusually high content of antioxidants, vitamins or other nutrients.”
The term is used frequently in a wide variety of contexts. In legal terms it has no standing, although its use has been regulated in certain jurisdictions. Since 1 July 2007 the marketing of products as “superfoods” has been prohibited in the European Union unless accompanied by a specific medical claim supported by credible scientific research.
In Europe the term “functional food”, (a concept originally conceived in Japan), rather than superfood; is used to describe a food that beneficially affects one or more targeted functions in the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects and that it is not a pill, a capsule or any form of dietary supplement.”
Many Superfood lists, contain common food choices whose nutritional value has been long recognized.
Berries, nuts and seeds.
Dark green Brassica vegetables such as kale, collard greens, swiss chard, brussels sprouts, spinach and broccoli.
Nearly all forms of Citrus and generally most other fruits as well as cherry and other tomatoes.
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines including shellfish and some crustaceans.
Really almost any vegetables with bright, dark or intense colours, such as peppers, beets, greens and especially sweet and ordinary potatoes .
The Allium families of onions, eschallots, garlic and capsicums.
Many legumes like peanuts, lentils, beans and whole grains as a group.
Herbs and spices (especially cocoa) and varying mushrooms varieties.
Berries are possibly the most studied group and remain scientifically evaluated by some researchers, as not proven to have “superfood” health benefits as yet. You be the judge ??
Food is not a Cancer cure but Eating correct food groups may prevent it
Cancer Research UK note that superfoods are often promoted as having an ability to prevent or cure diseases, including cancer; but they caution “you shouldn’t rely on so called ‘superfoods’ to reduce the risk of cancer..
Please note: HEALTHIER TIPS agrees with this statement, if only for the reasoning that your own research needs to fuel your own beliefs; as to what you consider the correct nutrients to consume, to fuel your own existence.
False hope is not something one can promise blindly to others, that may be stricken by this dreadful illness!! Do we at “HEALTHIER TIPS” believe that our following list of healthy antioxidant rich foods are “superfoods”??
We think so? Based on thorough research and personal preference and general consumption over 30 plus years!!
Possible health benefits and effects of foods described as superfoods are sometimes not supported by scientific studies. In one study, raw cocoa had positive effects on blood pressure and markers of heart health, while another research indicated less certainty about the possible effects of cocoa on cardiovascular disease.
The term superfood is often misused, with one expert saying it can be harmful when applied to foods which have drawbacks. An example being some seaweeds or kelps which are hailed as superfoods, but they can be then found contain natural toxins; which are thought by some to increase the risk of some cancers and liver damage.
The most noticeable consequence of the term superfood, is that it is often used as a marketing strategy for companies. For example green tea and its extracts have been studied over many decades for their potential benefits, including possible weight loss, as well as for polyphenol content that might supply other potential benefits. Many weight loss supplements contain green tea extracts as a key ingredient, due to a tea flavonol called (EGCG). Currently, the evidence base supporting the assertion that consumption of green tea has weight loss benefits, is limited to to the fact that it is an appetite suppressant.
More specifically concerning possible anti cancer effects, a review of research and promotion about green tea in 2013 created a warning letter from the US Food and Drug Administration about false advertising and health claims concerning the effects of green tea consumption.
This warning to possible charlatans, in no way diminishes the extraordinary benefits that have been known to exist for thousands of years in the Asian culture. Once again you be the judge.