Planning meals with happy healthy Camper kids
Planning meals and involving the kids has been proven by nutritional scientists, that when you take the time to talk with and involve your meals plans with the kids in advance; they are involved in the contract and more likely to consume what they helped cook.
It is also an effective way to keep your family in top shape, by choosing better and better ingredients, with every ones support. The right meal ingredients and healthy snack or dessert options chosen early on, simplifies shopping trips and frees up more family time.
It also helps to ensure; that you are not buying junk on the run, but instead carefully chosen ingredients agreeable to the family as a whole. Plenty of greens, coloured fruit and vegies, wholegrain breads and biscuits and plenty of dried fruit and nut snacks.
Little surprises, like campfire cooking; making a damper and camping out on the back lawn in the tent, adds a surprise dimension to introducing new edible ingredients and new ways to serve up a meal.
It is also a great way to make sure that next camping holiday, goes off without a hitch; by having a dry run for a week or more in the backyard. Get your kids involved in being responsible for different sections of campcraft.
Daughters can be supporting mum, by labelling and container storing all the cutlery, plates, cups, water containers, saucepans etc,etc. So that on arrival at the beach or forest retreat, the eating tackle, is first to be unloaded for waiting hungry mouths.
An older sister can be tasked with the more onerous jobs of planning and buying cooking supplies and safe to transport tinned goods, where possible. It might not be feasible to raid the kitchen pantry of essential sauces, herbs and spices etc and so this is an important task to set for a young budding urbanised survivor. One who is capable of fending for herself, when away on their own at school outings or being ready to fly the nest.
Billy cans and large pots for hot water for cooking, drinking and washing up, is next on the list. Basically all the kitchen duties from home, are planned for the trip and then setting up camp, happens like a well oiled machine. Now to the men of the family.
While the tent or campervan is set up in the backyard as mentioned is the time for Dad to delegate chores, such as marking off different tent pole lengths, the ropes and springs to suit, containers to store different items marked and listed off. Allowing for a large fly tarp, doubles up the amount of tent poles, ropes, springs and heavier duty tent pegs.
To be con’t Dec 2020
Happy Kidz camping and cooking.